Teufelsmauer as model.... |
This post shows just a short intermezzo between painting amounts of cavalry horses and troopers for Saxony... Changing the scale of brushes, cuts and dimensions, I decided to build some terrain elements for the tabletop. First piece is the impressing "Teufelsmauer", the "Devil´s wall", which exists in reality. It is simply a geological fault, but in middle-age, Germans believed in satanic work - only he could build such strange formation in the flat landscape of Saxony-Anhalt. The wall is near Quedlinburg and it´s quite sure, that at least the Prussians passed this area.
The silhouette is also an often used background for medieval horror movies like "Black Death", if somebody knows it.
Our Teufelsmauer is now 1 meter long and r.a. 40cm wide, so it will be a monumental obstacle in wargames; difficult to transverse and long-during to surround!
... and in reality. source: http://www.geodienst.de/harz.htm |
The "mouth" of the Teufelsmauer. Build in rigid foam, the painting does the rest... |
Good obstacle on the tabletop |
First test with Prussian Jaegers |
The location of this strange phenomenon. Source: http://www.ausflugsziele-harz.de/ausflugsziele-sehenswertes/wandern-biken/teufelsmauer-stieg.htm |
A wonderful picture of Friedrich Maier. See his blog: http://friedrichmaier.de/?p=17004 |