
Wargaming the Seven Years War with 40mm miniatures, done by: Johann-Peter Scheck and Anselm Scheck

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Prussian Regiment No 11

High activity 2 months before our annual summer battle is to be seen here - in july the armies will beginn their warfare against each other and all players are invited to that weekend. The tabletop is ready, landscape elements repaired, rules corrected and dices polished... just the armies are now under construction for growing, completing or repairing some figures.
Here, I present you the newest Prussian infantry regiment No 11, von Below, just finished. It had particular woven lapels. I like very much the white grenadier caps.
The figures are of Manske Zinnfiguren, the flags self-done paper-prints.

Just as a sweet memory: a Prince August Grenadier throwing a grenade - one of the most famous and marvelous pieces of their range...